Raise your hand if you ??

Hemp Lyfe
2 min readFeb 26, 2021

Raise your hand if you didn’t get your best nights rest last night? 😫🤚 if you didn’t, this post is for you! sleep quality + duration affects how we live out the other 2/3 of our day. quality of sleep translates to quality of life. and in order to live a vibrant life and feel like our best self, we need good, deep sleep each night. now, we know some of you, especially all the parents out there are thinking, 7+ hours of deep sleep every night? Yeahhhhh right… But we are here to tell you it IS achievable (that is if you don’t have a newborn who needs their mama + daddy’s throughout the night) we spoke with the president of hemp lyfe, @whitney_jaynes , and mom of an 18 month old baby girl, about how she tries to get her best rest despite being a working & full time mama…here is what she had to say: 1. I try my best to reduce all artificial blue light and EMF exposure- I like to filter my screens with a blue light shield or you can also wear blue light blocking glasses. Sometimes even turning off the tv and putting my phone away in exchange for a good book is key to reducing my artificial light exposure. 2. Keeping a consistent routine is key: I like to wake up every morning and get natural sunlight to start my circadian rhythm off right and go to bed around the same time every night. Dimming the lights or having a nightlight to create a safe haven allows me too wind down. Morning and bedtime routines are very important. 3. Take my dream CBD about 30 minutes before bed! This is a game changer for me. I personally don’t have trouble falling asleep, but I wake up a lot through the night because of “phantom cries” *parents, iykyk 😂 and this helps me STAY asleep and feel refreshed the next morning when it’s time to wake up! I highly recommend anyone who has trouble getting quality sleep, to get some dream CBD ASAP!

